
The latest ... 

Wellness Moment: Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling
Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling Travel can be incredibly restorative. A vacation is a chance to rest, relax, and[...]
Spring Wellness Moment: 5 Tips to Take Better Care of Your Mental Health
May is mental health awareness month. The timing is fitting. Spring weather can bring a boost in mood and inspire[...]
The Importance of Social Connection
The Importance of Social Connection Human beings are social creatures. We thrive on connections with others. Regular positive social interactions[...]

Insurance & Small Business ... 

5 Good Reasons for Freelancers to Have Business Insurance Coverage
5 Good Reasons for Freelancers to Have Business Insurance Coverage (Guest Post) Freelancers in Canada play a vital role in[...]
Do you need health insurance in Canada?
Do you need health insurance in Canada? With an increasing number of Canadians starting their own business, working freelance, or[...]
5 Common Small Business Employee Benefit Myths
5 Common Small Business Employee Benefit MythsThe employee benefit plan is a staple of large corporations. But as a small[...]
A Freelancers Guide to Health Insurance
A Freelancer's Guide to Health InsuranceMaybe you're a seasoned freelancer or maybe 2022 is finally the year you're going to[...]
When is the best time to buy health insurance?
When is the best time to buy health insurance?If you’ve had health benefits through an employer in the past, you[...]
How credit card insurance works
How credit card insurance worksHave you ever wondered about credit card insurance? Financial expert Barry Choi of Money We Have[...]
Health Insurance vs. Emergency Funds
Health Insurance vs. Emergency FundsJust to put it out there at the outset, we believe everyone should have health insurance.[...]
Do I really need travel insurance?
It’s safe to say many of us are dreaming of travelling once again, whether near or far. In those dreams,[...]
‘No Medical Questions’ Health Insurance … when it’s the best financial choice and when it’s not
When you’re shopping for personal health insurance, you'll likely see plans encouraging you to simply sign up …no medical questions asked. Sounds appealing, of course.  While ‘no medical questions’[...]
10 Reasons You Don’t Need Health Insurance
You may be skeptical of whether health insurance is really necessary for you. That's understandable. If you're young, healthy, don't[...]
8 Essentials for Re-opening that are good for your business and your team
8 Essentials for Re-opening that are good for your business and your teamBusiness owners everywhere from companies of 1 to[...]
How to make your health insurance dollar go further
How to make your health insurance dollar go further If the past few months have triggered some serious financial planning, you[...]
Health insurance after job loss
What you need to know about health insurance if you are laid off or terminatedAlong with all the other stress[...]
How Everyone Can Support Small Business Today
How Everyone Can Support Small Business TodayThe COVID-19 pandemic is a scary time for all of us. We’re concerned about[...]
How health insurance helps you meet your financial goals
Is health insurance part of your 2020 budget? New year, new $ plan ... but are you missing a key[...]
How to get the best value health insurance
How to get the best value when you shop for health insuranceShopping for health insurance isn't anyone's idea of a[...]
4 Workplace Wellness Tips for Small Business
4 Workplace Wellness Tips for Small Business Running a small business is tough. You’re often taking on the tasks of[...]
New Health Plus Plan Upgrades
Exciting Upgrades to Your Health Plus Plan At Health Plus we’re always working hard to make sure our members have[...]
Feeling Healthier – and Happier – with Coworking
Just as insurance must change to fit the new world of work, where we work is changing too. We know[...]
Insurance Jargon in Plain Language
Insurance Jargon Decoded ... it's not you, it's them Here’s a pitch we hear too often. “I have just the plan for you.  Guaranteed issue, no[...]
Personal Insurance 101
Personal Insurance 101 ... what to know and where to start Let's face it, learning about insurance is no one's idea[...]
Wellness Moment: Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling
Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling Travel can be incredibly restorative. A vacation is a chance to rest, relax, and[...]
Spring Wellness Moment: 5 Tips to Take Better Care of Your Mental Health
May is mental health awareness month. The timing is fitting. Spring weather can bring a boost in mood and inspire[...]
The Importance of Social Connection
The Importance of Social Connection Human beings are social creatures. We thrive on connections with others. Regular positive social interactions[...]
5 Tips to Create a Healthy Workspace
5 Tips to Create a Healthy WorkspaceWe spend a huge part of our days  and lives working. It’s estimated that[...]
How to Use Your Benefits for Self-Care
How to Use Your Benefits for Self-CareA lot goes into good health. Luckily, you probably practice self-care whether you realize[...]
5 Ways to Be Proactive About Your Health This Fall
In September we usually hit the ground running, back to school, back to work, the lazy days of summer fading[...]
Wellness Moment 5 Easy Tips to Spend More Time Outdoors
Less Screen Time, More Green Time: 5 Easy Tips to Spend More Time OutdoorsMost of us don't need reminding of the[...]
Winter Wellness The Surprising Benefits of Books
The Surprising Benefits of Books in your Winter Wellness Plan    Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast or cocoon-inclined, we’ve noticed that winter[...]
3 Steps to Help You Make the Most of Summer’s End
3 Steps to Help you Make the Most of Summer's EndSummer can be great but this year we weren’t sure[...]
How to restore balance when you’ve hit the pandemic wall
How to Restore Balance When You've Hit the Pandemic WallWhile we’re all looking forward to a better summer, we’re not[...]
How a Spring Financial Refresh Can Boost Your Health
How a Spring Financial Refresh Can Boost Your Health Spring is typically a time for renewal. Birds chirping, flowers blooming. But this[...]
5 Wellness Rituals for a Better Winter
5 Wellness Rituals for a Better WinterLove or hate the season, this winter lockdowns and limitations on daily life are[...]
Wellness Around the World
Boosting your health through travel ... even when it's from your couch Travel is wonderful in so many ways and[...]
Your Summertime Wellness Tonic
Summertime Tonic ... especially in 2020"Summertime ... and the livin' is easy" or so the classic tune tells us. But 2020[...]
The Surprising Benefits of Self-Compassion
Continuing the conversation on self-care ... The Surprising Benefits of Self-Compassion"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." It's[...]
A Serious Conversation About Self-Care
A Serious Conversation About Self-CareWhile we often take a light-hearted approach in these Wellness Moments, the ongoing stress of the[...]
Virtual Resources to Calm, Care for and Entertain during COVID-19
If ever we need a moment for wellness, it's now ... Along with all we can do to help flatten[...]
Prescription for a Healthy Holiday Season
Prescription for a Healthy Holiday Season ... expect side effectsFavourite time of year? Or just want the fuss to finish?[...]
Summer Health & Safety Tips
Essential Summer Health & Safety Tips to Make the Most of the Season  Summer is finally in full swing. Whether you're[...]
Wellness Moment: Comfort Food
The food group that Health Canada forgot ...Kudos to Health Canada for our new Food Guide for what to eat,[...]
Wellness Moment: A Little Help From Our Friends
Wellness Moment"I get by with a little help from my friends"The Beatles are right. Friends matter. Not to argue with[...]
November 2022 Plan Updates to Health Plus Insurance
This November, Health Plus raised rates on our OPTIMUM and PRIORITY plans for the first time ever. This is unheard[...]
New LifeWorks EFAP Platform Now Included With Health Plus Plans to Help You Thrive
New LifeWorks EFAP Platform Now Included With Health Plus Plans to Help You ThriveAt Health Plus we know a lot[...]
Even More Health Plus Plan Updates For You
At Health Plus our goal is to provide the best health and dental plans to small business owners and freelancers.[...]
New Higher Maximums for Paramedical and Dental
In 2021 You Deserve a Health Plus Plan Upgrade ... We designed our Health Plus PRIORITY and OPTIMUM plans to provide[...]
New Health Plus Plan Upgrades
Exciting Upgrades to Your Health Plus Plan At Health Plus we’re always working hard to make sure our members have[...]
New Wellness Services
We've just added even more benefits. For everyone. You know Health Plus already offers great coverage for health bills, routine[...]